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C02 CLEAN MINT Essential oil 10ml - @aroma

C02 CLEAN MINT Essential oil 10ml - @aroma

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<Clean Air Essential Oil 10ml>

<C02 Clean Mint>

This scent purifies the air with the refreshing sweetness of mint
Ingredients: Eucalyptus Globulus, Rosemary, Teatree, Spearmint

<Anti-viral properties of essential oil>

As a result of the testing the antiviral effects of C02, C03 and C10, which utilise  the natural properties of eucalyptus and tea tree were observed to remove 99% or more of the airborne virus.


<About @aroma>

Humans have been incorporating natural scents into their lives for thousands of years.
Natural scents are an indispensable part of our lives. They seep into the psyche just like scenery and music, pleasantly color spaces, and remain in our memories.
Our aroma oils are made from 100% natural ingredients. We value the intrinsic qualities of natural scents, draw out their latent powers, and use them to make our living spaces more pleasant and attractive.
At @aroma, we provide a full range of services with the highest design quality in the world, and these services extend from developing aroma products to designing spaces that possess natural scents.


(ki:ts) London shop
31A Duke Street London W1U 1LS United Kingdom