Restocked Japanese Ceramic Filter☕️
Who waiting restocking Kyuemon Ceramic filter?

If you're a eco friendly person or curious about it,
you might have done.
Let me explain how great it is😉
First of all, you can use it many times.
Literally ECO-friendly.
You don't need paper filters anymore.
Sounds nice, isn't it?
And more, if you use the filter, the taste is gonna be mild.
Can you believe it?
I'm telling you guys the secret.
The filter has full of fine pores.
When brewing, the liquid through the pores and the far-infrared effect occurs in ceramics.
That's the secret.
Taste enhancement occurs in ground coffee,
instant coffee, green tea and black tea.
Japanese shochu (burned liquor) can also turn palatable resulted from the far infrared effect.
Coffee brewing is highly recommended.
👇🏻 👇🏻👇🏻