- Size (UK) : S 2-4, M 4-6, L 6-8, LL 8-10
- 100% Hand made in Japan
・The designs of our ZORI (indoor sandals).
・The thick fabric creates a cushion that provides comfort like no other.
・These zori use Airlet, a hollow thread made by Toray Industries. Airlet is 50% cotton, 50% polyester*.
・Can be washed in cold water (by hand).
・The laces can be adjusted for the perfect fit anytime.
・Thanks to the thickness and innate qualities of the material, there is quite a bit of distance between your foot and the floor. Pair our zori with some tabi socks or leg warmers so you can be warm even in the winter time.
・Due to the properties of the material, it is easy to slip on flooring or stairs. Please take care when wearing them.
*Airlet is a hollow thread with the following qualities:
- Cooling properties that are great in the summer
- Heating properties that are great in the winter
- Absorbs water and dries quickly,
- Natural and organic anti-bacterial and odor-resistant material,
- The polyester and former cotton is light, yet smooth and versatile for supreme comfort.
・The zori are 50% polyester, 50% cotton.
・The straps come in a wide variety of designs, but are generally made from 100% cotton material.
・The base of the zori uses polyester.
・The sizes available are as seen on the chart above.
素 材 | 綿50% / ポリエステル50%
原産国 | 日本製
サイズ | S:21-22cm / M:23-24cm / L:25-26cm / LL:27-28cm
お手入 | ネットに入れて洗濯機(乾燥機使用不可)
ニットの紐で手編みしたおしゃれ布ぞうり MERI は70年以上編み続けているメリヤスの編機から専用に紐を作り、その紐を熟練した職人が一足一足丁寧にふっくらしっかり手編みしたルームシューズです。履けば履くほどご自身の足型に馴染んでいきフィット感が増していきます。また吸水速乾性、抗菌防臭性にも優れていてお洗濯もできるので清潔に長く履いていただけます。(洗濯ネットに入れていただければ洗濯機で洗うこともできます ※乾燥機不可)
(ki:ts) London shop
31A Duke Street London W1U 1LS United Kingdom