<About Dazed Magazine>
Dazed and Confused magazine originally was a London based street scene magazine. Now it has evolved into an internationally recognised title that continues to recognize and create leading cultural trends. The magazine has a self confessed controversial editorial view on fashion, design and visual identity. The magazine will regularly have exclusive interviews with the hottest celebrities around, the best of the most up-to-date fashion as well as beautiful photography and images
Dazed Wnter 2023 - The Baddie issue
For the first of our six covers of Winter 2023 THE BADDIE issue is Ceechynaa. “Sometimes you meet people and it feels like you’ve known them in a past life. With Ceechynaa, when I heard that music I was like, “Whoa” When I saw the video [“Last Laugh”] of her walking down Oxford Street... with – Mowalola Ogunlesi
Heart & Sol for second cover of Dazed Winter 2023 - Tender and devotional, the music of Gyallikeclee speaks in a way its author never felt comfortable sharing with the press. Stepping into her first-ever cover shoot for our Baddie issue, the singer opens up to her producer and soulmate Yardmanflo, about a collaboration built on love
Third cover of Dazed Winter 2023 THE BADDIE ISSUE features model Anok Yai, shot by Carlijn Jacobs, styled by Imruh
Fourth cover focus on France, where the secular state is a source of historical pride, Muslim women are being shut out from society by politicians who pander shamelessly to the far-right. Now, schoolgirls and sportswomen alike are taking the fight for bodily autonomy into their own hands.
Heavenly baddies. Photographer Kristin Lee Moolman and stylist Zara Eloise get weightless for the fourth cover of the Baddie issue, transporting us into their ethereal dimension.
For the sixth and final cover, Dazed’s editor-in-chief IB Kamara goes behind the lens and partners up with stylist Andra Buhai, for a time-spanning story of iconic baddie characters
UK cover price: £5.99
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